Runner’s Depot Endurance Challenge
Saturday, March 15-16, 2025
Start Time: 8:00AM
Vista View Park, Davie
Join us for this Unique New Running Event! The Runner's Depot Endurance Challenge is a race for MEN &WOMEN starting every Half-Hour for 24 hours.
Racers can complete the course at whatever pace they choose, but they MUST complete the course in less than 30 minutes. Those who
complete the course in under 30 minutes earn the right to continue.
The course will be a 2.0834 mile loop which will result in 100 Miles in a 24-Hour period. There are 48 individual segments. How many can you start and finish? Take the challenge alone or on a relay team (details below).
Individual Registration:
$70 - 1/1/25- 2/9/25
$75 - 2/10/25 - 3/14/25
$100 - 3/15/25
Relay Team Registration:
$150 - 1/1/25 - 2/9/25
$160 - 2/10/25 - 3/14/25
$200 - 2/15/25
2024 Overall Men's & Women's Champion
Emily Daycock & Rafael Cuza Villarreal
100 Miles Completed
2024 Overall Team Champion
TEAM Blazing Glory
100 Miles Completed
Race Details:
1. The course will be a 2.083 mile loop
2. Laps will start on the hour and half-hour
3. If you are not at the starting corral when the lap starts, you are finished
4. Laps will continue until a single person is left standing or the first person to finish the 48th lap
5. You must wear your race bib at all times
6. No dogs on the race course
7. Only registered participants are allowed on the race course - NO Pacers
Relay Details:
1. Relay teams can be male, female or mixed-gender - Everyone competes in one category regardless of team gender
2. Teams must be 2-4 people
3. Team members must ALL check-in together, at Vista View Park on race day, for a team verification picture, to receive your team timing chip, and to receive your official race marking.
4. No team member substitutions are allowed after check-in
5. Team members must wear race bibs at all times
Other Details:
1. There are bathrooms next to the start/finish line
2. There will be a nutrition/aid station near the start/finish line
3. Participants should bring their own nutrition/hydration for a 24-hour period
4. There will be an area near the start/finish line for participants to put their own tents and chairs, etc.
Questions & Answers
Q: What is the date of the Runner's Depot Endurance Challenge?
A: The event starts on Saturday March 15, 2025 at 8:00am and will finish on Sunday March 16, 2025 at 8:00am.
Q: Where is the Runner's Depot Endurance Challenge being held?
A: Vista View Park - 4001 SW 142nd Ave, Davie, FL, 33330
Q: What is the Runner's Depot Endurance Challenge?
A: A true test of endurance and stamina. Participants will run/walk/crawl 2.083333 miles every half hour for a total of 24 hours. Each wave (2.08333 miles) will provide participants with 30 minutes to complete the required distance. The winner will be one of the following:
A. The participants who crosses the finish line first during wave 48 (the final wave, completing all 100 miles)
B. The participant who is the only finisher, within the allotted 30 minutes) during a wave
C. If no one finishes a wave within the allotted 30 minutes, the first person to cross the finish line after the 30 minute mark will be deemed the winner
Q: What do I get for participating in the Runner's Depot Endurance Challenge?
A: All participants will receive the following: A personalized race bib with RFID timing chip, medal, and event shirt.
Q: Is the Runner's Depot Endurance Challenge a chip timed event?
A: Yes, Victory Sports will facilitate the official timing.
Q: Do I get a finisher medal?
A: Those in the individual challenge have the opportunity to earn a 25, 50, 75, and 100 miles completion medal. Those in the team challenge have the opportunity to earn a 100 miles completion medal.
Q: Are there awards?
A: Yes, we will award Endurance Challenge Overall, Male, Female, and Team
Q: Is there pre-race packet pickup?
A: YES. We will offer packet pickup times at Runner's Depot - Davie
Friday March 14, 2025 from 10am-4pm
Q: Can I pickup up the race packets for my team?
A: Yes. You will need a digital photo I.D. as confirmation/approval to pickup a teammates packet. PLEASE NOTE: Your timing chip will be provided on race day. You will be required to pick up the chip as a team and take a team picture. The picture will serve as verification of your official team members.
Q: Can we substitute a team member for any reason?
A: You have the option to change, transfer, or substitute your team members through March 1, 2025. Once your team photo is taken on race day, under no circumstance will substitutes be permitted. Any team found to use a participants not listed on the team and not in the team photo, will be disqualified.
Q: Do I have to run the Runner's Depot Endurance Challenge?
A: The only requirement is that a participants completes the wave in under 30 minutes. You can run, walk, crawl, as long as you complete the wave within the time limit. You cannot use any props (i.e. bike, scooter, walking poles, etc) during the event.
Q: Can my team have tent space to setup for the event.
A: Yes, all participants/teams have the option for tent space at the event.
Q: Is there a cap on the size of the event?
A: 250 participants
Q: How much is parking?
A: Broward County charges a $3.00 per car gate fee to all the patrons entering the park.